
Moments Collected and Shared

Library Board Co-chair, Amanda Butler, reads to her adorable tots on the green.
Magic happens within these old walls.
Evening light through these old, beautiful windows.
“And yet day and night meet fleetingly at twilight and dawn…And their merging sometimes affords the beholder the most enchanted moments of all the twenty four hours.” -Mary Balogh, A Summer to Remember
Calligraphy for our library by Scott McCray.
Nan takes mascot business very seriously!

Artist, Peter Huntoon, paints Wells from our walkway.
“Old buildings whisper to us in the creaking of floorboards and rattling of windowpanes.” -Fennel Hudson, A Meaningful Life
Memorial Day, 2020
“Libraries always remind me that there are good things in the world.” -Lauren Ward
The view from the librarian’s desk.
“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of a Library.” -Jorge Luis Borges
It can be very comforting when some things in life stay the same.
“It is strange how we hold on to the pieces of the past while we wait for our futures.” -Ally Condie, Matched
Nothing like a pretty welcome.
“There is no hospitality like understanding.” -Vanna Bonta, Flight: A Quantum Fiction Novel

“Flowers are so inconsistent! But, I was too young to know how to love her…” -Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince
My Grandma used to say, “Come sit a spell.” This looks like the perfect place to do just that.
“This was something sure to be crammed full of warm secrets, like an antique clock built when peace filled the world.” -Haruki Murakami